Hardwood & Furniture

Walnut, Red Oak & Cherry air-dried flitches in stock

Walnut, Red Oak & Cherry air-dried flitches in stock

Please see our inventory of Oak, Walnut and Cherry Free Edge Slabs and rough-cut lumber. These logs were band-saw cut 2 1/2" and 2" thick and lengths from 4 to 10 feet. The band mill rough cut is smooth enough for most to sand without planing.

Uncle Otis’ Music Page

“I Can Do Taste With Anybody…” jim dickenson

“I Can Do Taste With Anybody…” jim dickenson

“I Can Do Taste With Anybody” (Jim Dickenson)… And I Can… Come in to browse some Music by Otis, and sometimes the South Barracks Band and/or The Posse. Ot’s trying to Open-Up the 5G Channel so he can DJ his Own Damn version of Cyber Radio… So stay “Tuned”…

I also have some “priceless musical instruments” that I have somehow managed to put prices on… as well as my “Finest” Vinyl Collection coming soon… Did I Say I Can Do Taste w/ Anybody???

21st Century Modern Buildings

21st Century Modern Buildings

CM Services specializes in the Design of Beautiful and Sustainable Buildings for the 21st Century. Guided by the principles of the Living Building Challenge and continuously applying new technologies to the design and construction process.  Come Live in the Future.

“i used to be fast… but now i’m going for mileage…” otis

“i used to be fast… but now i’m going for mileage…” otis

Check out the basement of Otis' Barn, also referred to as "Man Land", where the HALF-FAST Speed Shop was relocated after its abrupt dislocation from The Bridgeville Hot Rod Shop in the flood of June 2018. We’ve Restored those Old Friends (I can’t throw Anything away) and have sent most of them on to new Homes…

Be sure to check out the Half-Fast Stickers… New to the Site… I have Many Ideas for new Stickers “I Got so many Ideas Burning out my Scull” (Jack Black)… So Keep your Eye Out…

Energy Sustainability Contractors & DIY

Geothermal and Hydronic Heat controllers

Energy projects for contractors & diy

Here we share our Experiences in Energy and provide our Customers Plans and Specs that gain Permit Approvals from Local Municipalities and Government Agencies. Come in and see the Projects that we have developed for Contractors and DIY.

“where we’re going… we don’t need roads…” Doc Brown

Coming Soon.